Volunteer Bond Information

As a community organization, all activities necessary to run Clarksburg Baseball are accomplished by volunteers. As in all volunteer organizations, the key to Clarksburg Baseball's continued success and growth is to spread the load among a large corps of volunteers. In order to avoid the inequity of having a small group of volunteers accomplishing all of the needed activities for our organization, Clarksburg Baseball has established a $25 "Volunteer Bond" payable at time of registration. This fully refundable bond is a "Pay It Forward" promise of your understanding and willingness to volunteer two hours of your time each season to help Clarksburg Baseball achieve its mission. The two hours of volunteer hours must be on the approved volunteer duty list which is on our website and must be approved by the League Volunteer Coordinator. As soon as you complete your two hours of volunteering during a season, your Volunteer Bond will be refunded by check and delivered to your coach to distribute. Please allow 3-4 weeks after volunteering for us to process your check. Examples of volunteering include staffing the spirit wear sales table on game day, helping with sorting and distributing uniforms, helping photographers on photo day, putting out signs for registration, etc. Please email the volunteer coordinator, Tonisha Johnson (tljohnson24@gmail.com), with any questions or concerns
Head Coach: Teaching skills and completing the administrative aspects of a team such as making the line-up. Serving as a role model for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as we provide training.
Co-Coach: Teaching and administering a team with 2 coaches splitting the functions of a head coach. Serving as role models for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as CBI will train you.
Assistant Coach: Assisting the head coach with practices and games in teaching the skills necessary to make progress. Serving as role models for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as CBI will train you.
Team Manager: Does not involve any “on field” activities. Team manager is responsible for season-long administrative and logistical responsibilities such as: team snap updates, rescheduling games, securing a field for postponed games, and taking the lead on logistics for the end of season party. Team managers can expect other roles, which lighten the administrative plate for the head coach throughout the season.***While greatly appreciated, simply organizing the weekly team snack schedule, “team mom” does not qualify for the volunteer bond whereas team manager does qualify.***
Team Courier: Does not involve any “on field” activities. Team Courier is responsible for season-long duties including: picking up uniforms, volunteer bond checks, photos, spirit wear, and trophies for their team. ALL pickups will be in the local Clarksburg area. (6 times/season)
Team Bench Coach: Responsible for actively managing the players from the bench area which includes sanitizing benches, fences and equipment. Bench Coach is also responsible for giving players friendly reminders to keep within the social distance rules.
Other Volunteer Opportunities when you select “Contact me to volunteer”:
Field Maintenance: Field chalking and raking done for 40-60 minutes on Sat mornings (2-3 times per season)
Mulch Delivery (Spring only): Help with distributing mulch orders for our annual fundraiser in March. We pair volunteers together, so a “hauling” vehicle is not needed. (1 Sat in the pre-season for 2 hours)
Uniform Help: Folding and Bagging uniforms during the preseason
Equipment Help: Preparing the bags for teams’ equipment during the season, inspecting equipment for damage, cleaning equipment, and postseason storage (1 time per season)
Photo Delivery: Delivering Photos to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings late in the season)
Uniform Delivery: Delivering uniforms to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings during the pre-season)
Trophy Delivery: Delivering trophies to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings late in the season)
Spirit Wear Sales: Selling spirit wear at a table. (usually performed during your player’s game on a Saturday or on Opening Day)
Skylark Road Cleanup: Picking up trash on Skylark Road in 2-man teams. (1 time per season for about 45 mins)
Opening Day Volunteers (Spring only): Volunteers are needed throughout the day from 730 – 3 PM. Many assignments will occur around the O.D. Ceremonies, and you will be scheduled at a time other than during your game.